Privacy Policy

Last updated April 4, 2022.

Information and Collection

Psychology Consultants Associated (PCA) may collect (and save) personal information when you send us an email. In other words, if you email us, we may save the information you send to us so we can follow-up. If you become a client, we'll add your information to an in-house database.

None of the information collected from you is given, sold or traded to any other companies, advertisers or persons. All information remains in house and is used in future communications with you.

If you prefer we don't contact you, just reply to any email we may have sent requesting that we remove your name from our database.

In some cases a therapist employed by PCA may email you directly. If you do not wish to be contacted via email, you can reply to the therapist and request that they not contact you via email.

Patient Data

We do not collect or store any data related to patient records on our server.

Remarketing and Retargeting

PCA does not currently engage in any remarketing or retargeting campaigns.


We do use two cookies from Google Analytics. Google helps us measure the traffic to our site. Google does not share any information that discloses your personal identity.

Cookie: _ga GA1.1.299886377.1649356150
Cookie Usage: Google Analytics
Duration of information collected: minimum of 24 months

Cookie: _ga_XKM0321QM3 GS1.1.1650911497.37.1.1650913030.0
Cookie Usage: Google Analytics
Duration of information collected: minimum of 24 months

Google Analytics

PCA does collect basic information on each user to visit our website through the use of Google Analytics. The includes information such as, browser type/version, operating system, referring site, search engine referral, etc.

The data we analyze does not contain any personal identifiable information. Please read Google's privacy policy for additional information on the type of information that is collected.

You may opt-out of the Google Analytics service with the Google Browser Add-on.


We do not process payments from patients on our website.

Server Logs

PCA collects and stores information such as browser type/version, operating system, IP address, referring site, search engine referral, etc., through the use of server logs. The data does not contain any personal identifiable information.

Server logs are generated automatically by software installed on the web server that hosts our website.